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Youth Week – #RaiseTheAge | 4th – 14th April 2022

Did you know that in Australia, children as young as 10 years old are being sent to prison?

This Youth Week (4-14th April) the Illawarra Legal Centre would like to raise awareness of the Raise the Age campaign.

In just one year across Australia close to 600 children aged 10 to 13 years were locked up and thousands more were hauled through the criminal legal system.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children are disproportionately impacted by these laws and pushed into prison cells at even higher rates, accounting for 65 per cent of these younger children in prisons.

There has been a chorus of calls both nationally and internationally from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations, expert United Nations bodies, human rights organisations, medical and legal bodies, and academics for Australia to raise the minimum age of criminal responsibility.

Children need to be loved and supported so they can reach their full potential. Not locked up.

You can help to #RaiseTheAge by visiting the website below and signing the petition, sharing a photo of you at 10 and emailing your Local MP.



Harmony Week | 15th – 21st March 2022


Harmony Week is an opportunity for Australians to celebrate the rich cultural heritage and identity of our country. It is about inclusiveness, respect, and belonging for all Australians, regardless of cultural or linguistic background.

From the oldest continuous culture in the world of our First Nations people to the cultures of our newest arrivals from many countries around the world, Australia is a vibrant, multicultural land.  This week reminds us that we should celebrate this and work together to promote the message of harmony

Harmony Week includes 21 March, which is the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. This is traditionally called Harmony Day and the world observes this date as the day freedom from racial discrimination should be acknowledged and maintained as a human right.

At Illawarra Legal Centre, we are committed to fostering an environment where “everyone belongs”.  We strive to assist people to realise their legal rights, promoting social justice for all and providing a safe and inclusive environment.

We continue to actively protect the human rights of those who are vulnerable and seek to change the structures that systematically undermine those rights.

The designated colour for Harmony Week is orange.  Orange signifies social communication and meaningful conversations. It also relates to the freedom of ideas and encouragement of mutual respect.

So, this Harmony Week, 15th – 21st March, wear something orange to help promote the message of harmony.


To find out more visit:

International Women’s Day | 8th March 2022

International Women’s Day (IWD) 2022

International Women’s Day (IWD) is a global day celebrating the economic, political and social achievements of women past and present.

As well as celebrating brilliant women, IWD is also used as a day to highlight and raise awareness about issues that women still face.  Because we’re not there yet.

More than 100 years ago, that first march was about ending harmful workplace conditions, equal rights, equal pay, and an end to exploitation. Sadly, those aims are still relevant today.  Around the world, women are prevented from reaching their full potential, as basic rights like health and education are still not recognised.

IWD is a once-a-year chance to remind governments, businesses and everyone else watching that women aren’t going anywhere, and we’re prepared to take action to achieve our human rights.

This year the IWD 2022’s campaign theme is #BreakTheBias.  The campaign asks you to cross your arms in solidarity to call out gender bias, discrimination and stereotyping.

Here staff at ILC strike the IWD 2022 pose and share our #BreakTheBias image.

IWD #BreakTheBias

Happy International Women’s Day!



To find out more visit:

World Day of Social Justice | 20th February 2022


World day of Social Justice is on February 20 every year.  The purpose of the day is to focus on the plight of social injustice throughout the world and to press for improvements and solutions.

As a community legal centre, Illawarra Legal Centre (ILC), assists some of the most disadvantaged people in our community and our services know all too well how social injustice and inequalities affect the people of the Illawarra.

Over the last 2 years, we have seen the impact of COVID-19 and bushfires on our community, the needs of those we help have become that much greater.

People who were already living with disadvantages, such unemployment or underemployment, with high levels of existing debt, suffering homelessness, or facing existing difficulties with access to health and social services were further marginalised.

We know that during times like these serious legal issues can escalate quickly.

The short term fixes afforded by government in relation to payments for those who lost work and moratoriums on evictions demonstrate that the current systems do not exist in a space that places welfare and essential needs of people as a priority in society.

We need long term systemic change implemented that affords people a sense of security in their lives.

We need to reduce inequality and end poverty. 

ILC strives to advance social justice through the delivery of our free legal services to members of our community.  We assist people to realise their legal rights, with a particular focus on reaching those who experience social and economic disadvantage in the Illawarra and surrounding areas.

By acknowledging this important day we recognise the need to promote efforts to tackle issues such as poverty, exclusion, employment, gender equity and access to social well-being and justice for all.


To find out more visit: 

United Nations – Social Justice Day

International Labour Organisation (ILO) – Quest for Social Justice

International Volunteer Day | 5th December 2021

IVD Logo


Today is International Volunteer Day! This day is held on 5th December every year across the globe.

Volunteering is an activity with immense economic, social and cultural value and on this day Illawarra Legal Centre would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our volunteers.

Over the last year, as the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we work, our volunteers have remained responsive to the needs of our community.

Every day, our volunteers dedicate time and effort to ensuring inclusion of those often left behind, assisting people to realise their legal rights and promoting social justice for all.

So, on this day (and every other day) we say thank you! Thank you to our Management Committee Members, Thank you to our Volunteer Solicitors, Thank you to our Volunteer Students and Thank you to all our Centre Volunteers. Your time is worth more than money!

Contact us if you’re keen to volunteer and to learn more about opportunities with ILC.
#IVD2021 #VolunteerNow

International Day of People with Disability | 3rd December 2021



International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) is a United Nations (UN) recognised day held on 3 December each year to celebrate the contributions and achievements of people with disability.

The UN theme for IDPwD this year is ‘Leadership and Participation of persons with disabilities toward an inclusive, accessible and sustainable post-COVID-19 world.’

By acknowledging this important day, we can take action to remove barriers for the 4.4 million Australians with disability and contribute to positive change in our community.

We encourage everyone to get involved and join the celebration! Together, we can all take action to challenge stereotypes, remove barriers and promote inclusive and respectful attitudes and behaviours in our community.

For more information about IDPwD, including resources, stories, videos and social tiles, visit or follow @idpwd on Facebook and Twitter.

You can also help spread the word and join the conversation online using #IDPwD!

ILC Annual Report | 2021

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ILC Annual Report 2020-21

After the navigation of 2020, “the year like no other”, shifting our service delivery models, and adapting the way in which we supported our clients and communities, we emerged in 2021 feeling that we had overcome these challenges and could move forward in continuing to provide the much-needed services we deliver.

Anti-Poverty Week 17-23 October 2021

APW's Logo

Anti-Poverty Week 17-23 October 2021

More needs to be done to tackle poverty in Australia. Illawarra Legal Centre supports Anti-Poverty Week’s (APW’s) call to raise income support above the poverty line and invest in social housing.

“Solving the housing crisis and lifting income support will alleviate crushing poverty” – APW

Anti-Poverty Week this year is held 17th – 23rd October.

As a community legal centre, Illawarra Legal Centre, assists some of the most disadvantaged people in our community and our tenancy and welfare rights services know all too well how poverty affects the people of the Illawarra.

The COVID supplement for social security recipients has been cancelled. While the Government has increased the basic rate of job seeker payment by $25 per week, this increase still leaves social security recipients well below the poverty line.

“A single person dependent on social security payments cannot afford to live in private rental accommodation. Their only choices are share accommodation or social housing which is insufficient to meet the demand. Many are compelled to sleep in temporary accommodation or their car. While the rate of taxation paid by high income earners has been reduced, the financial hardship of those dependant on the social security safety net has increased.” said Ian Turton, Welfare Rights Solicitor at Illawarra Legal Centre.

The Illawarra Legal Centre provides a welfare rights service which assists and represents people who are experiencing difficulty in their dealings with Centrelink. Our tenancy service assists people experiencing issues with their tenancy. If you are having problems contact us.

Welfare Rights: 4276 1939

Tenancy: 1800 807 225

To find out more visit:

Anti-Poverty Week  #APW21

Raise the Rate for Good campaign #RaiseTheRateForGood 

Everybody’s Home campaign #BuildSocialHousing