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National Volunteer Week | 15-21 May 2023

Join us this National Volunteer Week in recognising the fantastic contribution volunteers make and to say thank you.

The contribution of volunteers is often unseen and unrecognised by many, visible only through the incredible impact of their volunteering; it is an activity with immense economic, social and cultural value.

The theme this year is ‘The Change Makers’The week-long event recognises the vital support that the millions of volunteers in our country provide to their communities and encourages people to consider volunteering.  Here at Illawarra Legal Centre (ILC), we have first-hand experience of the impact volunteers make and it all starts with the act of giving their time to a cause they believe in.

So, Thank You! to our incredible volunteers; our volunteer management committee, volunteer solicitors, volunteer students and all our centre volunteers.  ILC can reach more people and provide more services because of the work you do.

We are grateful for your hard work, dedication and ongoing commitment, even in the most challenging of times.

Contact us if you’re keen to volunteer and to learn more about opportunities with ILC.

Happy National Volunteer Week!




Law Week | 15-21 May 2023

Law Week – A week to learn more about the law

Law Week is an annual celebration that is all about creating greater access to justice.

Legal services across NSW will be putting on a series of information sessions, designed to help people understand their rights, find answers to their questions, know what help is available and how our legal system works.

Law Week is all  about demystifying the law and empowering people.

The law affects each of our daily lives and we all need information about our legal rights and responsibilities.  Many problems in our lives can have legal answers.

Understanding whether your problem has a legal aspect could help you resolve it.

We are big fans of Law Week and as always, Illawarra Legal Centre will be hosting a number of events that are designed to help you find answers to your legal questions and understand your rights – something we are very passionate about.

Check out our Facebook page and website for the details of these events and if you are in need of FREE legal advice now, call our office on 4276 1939 to book an appointment.


LAW WEEK Flyer Wollongong Libraries

Law Week Shellharbour

International Trans Day of Visibility | 31st March 2023


International Trans Day of Visibility is a day of pride and celebration for gender diverse identity, achievements, and community.

On this day and every day, we recognise trans and gender diverse people’s contributions, successes, strength and resilience.  We also celebrate the activism and determination that has brought us so far in the fight for justice and equality.   Visibility matters!

While recognition and celebration are important it doesn’t always result in trans and gender diverse people having the rights, protections, and safety they deserve.

Illawarra Legal Centre (ILC) acknowledges the adversity and discrimination that the trans and gender diverse community continues to face today.

Trans and gender diverse people are protected against discrimination, harassment and violence in many areas under New South Wales and federal law.  Laws also protect your safety in public, and your privacy when interacting with large organisations or government departments.

The legal system can be a difficult place and some of the laws providing trans and gender diverse people protection are complex.  As a community legal centre ILC assists people to realise their legal rights.  Whether it is at work, in education, when accessing goods or services, or interacting with government departments.  If you need legal help, call us 4276 1939, the staff at ILC can provide you with free legal advice.


Harmony Week | 20th – 26th March 2023

#HarmonyWeek #EveryOneBelongs

Harmony Week, 20th to the 26th of March 2023, is a Week of celebration.

Nearly half (49 per cent) of Australians were born overseas or have at least one parent who was.  During Harmony Week we bring together Australians from all different backgrounds and recognise our diversity.  It’s about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.

Whilst Harmony Week is a uniquely Australian event, it coincides with Harmony Day, which takes place on the 21st of March each year.  Harmony Day is also known as the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.  The world observes this date as the Day freedom from racial discrimination should be acknowledged and maintained as a human right.  However, many people still face racism. Whilst Harmony Week is a celebratory event, it also serves to campaign against discrimination.

Australia has an incredible history of multiculturalism; from the oldest continuous culture in the world of our First Nations people to the cultures of our newest arrivals from many countries around the world, Australia is a vibrant, multicultural land with more than 300 ancestries and more than 70 Indigenous languages spoken.

This Week reminds us that we should celebrate this and work together to promote the message of harmony.

At Illawarra Legal Centre, we are committed to fostering an environment where “everyone belongs”.  We strive to assist people to realise their legal rights, promoting social justice for all and providing a safe and inclusive environment.

We continue to actively protect the human rights of those who are vulnerable and seek to change the structures that systematically undermine those rights.

The message of respect and belonging can be lived by each of us, every day, not just during Harmony Week




To find out more visit:

Harmony Week Footer

International Women’s Day | 8th March 2023

International Women’s Day (IWD) 2023

International Women’s Day (IWD) is a global day to raise the awareness about the issues that women still face today, such as gender inequality, violence and abuse.

On this day we also celebrate! We celebrate and recognise the economic, political and social achievements of women past and present.

This year, the UN’s International Women’s Day theme is ‘Cracking the Code: Innovation for a gender equal future’.

Cracking the Code’ highlights the need to disrupt the current codes of behaviours, beliefs and systems that foster entrenched inequality through generational and systemic gender-based discrimination.

To crack the code to gender equality, we need transformative ideas, inclusive technologies, and accessible education.

So, on this day we ask you to;

Celebrate women’s achievement.
Raise awareness about discrimination.
Take action to drive gender parity.


Staff from ILC embracing equity. #EmbraceEquity
Illawarra Legal Centre (ILC) provides free legal advice and services, so if you or anyone you know is being impacted by gender discrimination, violence or abuse, contact us on 4276 1939.

Happy International Women’s Day!




To find out more visit:

World Day of Social Justice | 20th February 2023

“Overcoming Barriers and Unleashing Opportunities for Social Justice”

World Day of Social Justice is held on 20 February every year to focus on the progress of social justice throughout the world and to press for improvements and solutions.

This year’s theme is “Overcoming Barriers and Unleashing Opportunities for Social Justice”.  So, the 2023 World Day of Social Justice provides an opportunity to foster dialogue on actions needed to strengthen the social contracts that are meant to protect the rights of workers.

Poverty and inequalities within and among countries are on the rise in many parts of the world. The economic and social crises of recent years have been exacerbated by the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, natural disasters due to accelerating climate change, geopolitical tensions and armed conflicts.

Beyond the human tragedies associated with them and their impact on the world of work, these crises have highlighted the interlinkages and dependencies of economies and societies around the world.

Social justice makes societies and economies function better and reduces poverty, inequalities and social tensions.

As a community legal centre, Illawarra Legal Centre (ILC), assists some of the most disadvantaged people in our community and our workers know all too well how social injustice and inequalities affect the people of the Illawarra.

Over the last 3 years, we have seen the impact of COVID-19, bushfires and flooding on our community. The needs of those we help have become that much greater.

People who were already living with disadvantages, including unemployment or underemployment, high levels of existing debt, homelessness, or difficulties with access to health and social services were further marginalised.

We know that during times like these serious legal issues can escalate quickly.

We need long term systemic change that affords people a sense of security in their lives.

We need to reduce inequality and end poverty. 

ILC strives to advance social justice through the delivery of our free legal services to members of our community.  We assist people to realise their legal rights, with a particular focus on reaching people who are experiencing social and economic disadvantage and live in the Illawarra and surrounding areas.

By acknowledging this important day, we recognise the need to promote efforts to tackle issues such as poverty, exclusion, employment, gender equity and access to social well-being and justice for all.

To find out more visit: 

United Nations – Social Justice Day

The ILO and the Quest for Social Justice

International Day of People with Disability | 3rd December 2022



International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) is a United Nations (UN) recognised day held on 3 December each year to celebrate the contributions and achievements of people with disability.

The UN theme for IDPwD this year is ‘‘Transformative solutions for inclusive development: the role of innovation in fuelling an accessible and equitable world’.

Around one in six people, or 4.4 million Australians, have disability. Not all disability is the same, and some disabilities are invisible.

By joining the conversation and listening to the stories and lived experiences of people with disability, we can challenge our own perceptions about disability and help make positive changes in the community.

We encourage everyone to get involved and join the celebration! Together, we can all take action to make our community more accessible, challenge stereotypes, remove barriers, and promote inclusive and respectful attitudes and behaviours in our community.

For more information about IDPwD, including resources, stories, videos and social tiles, visit or follow @idpwd on Facebook and Twitter.

You can also help spread the word and join the conversation online using #IDPwD!

By acknowledging this important day, we can take action to remove barriers for the millions of Australians with disability and contribute to positive change in our community.

#IDPwD  #IDPwD2022   #IDPwD22  #lookbeyond

ILC Reconciliation Action Plan | REFLECT

Acknowledgement AR 2022

Reconciliation Action Plan – REFLECT

Our vision for reconciliation is to promote access to justice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in NSW by delivering culturally appropriate services in all areas of our business.

We aim to ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples receive the help needed to overcome legal problems and fully exercise their legal rights.