World Elder Abuse Awareness Day | 15th June 2023
June 15 is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
Elder abuse is the mistreatment of an older person that is committed by someone with whom the older person has a relationship of trust; such as a partner, family member, friend or carer. Elder abuse can take various forms, including: physical, social, financial, psychological (emotional) and sexual abuse, or neglect.
No older person should be subjected to any form of abuse. Older people have the right to choose how they want to spend their money, when they can see their family, and where they want to live.
In Australia, the incidence of abuse towards older people is predicted to increase as the 65 and over age group is expected to more than double, from 3.8 million to 8.8 million in the next 25 years.
Illawarra Legal Centre is committed to safeguarding the rights, dignity and independence of older Australians. If you need legal help, call us on 4276 1939. The staff at ILC can provide you with free legal advice.
This day, and every day, we must remind ourselves that older people are valued members of our community.