Our Services
Helping People Living With Disadvantages and People With Special Needs
Our Services
Providing free legal advice and assistance for those with disadvantages and/or special needs.
Welcome To Illawarra Legal Centre
Illawarra Legal Centre is an independent, non-for-profit, community based legal centre. We provide free legal services to the public by telephone, at our centre and at a range of outreach locations.
We focus on helping people living with disadvantages and people with special needs. Our services are specifically catered to your needs and range from general law, financial counselling, child support and more.
We are one of nearly 180 community legal centres across Australia. Contact us to receive free advice and assistance today!

General Law
Free legal advice in most areas of law and possible on-going assistance.

Welfare Rights
Free specific advice and assistance for people having problems with Centrelink.

Domestic & Family Violence Service
Free specific advice and support for women who are victims of family violence.

Aboriginal Legal Access Program
Free specific advice and assistance for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Children’s Court Assistance Scheme
Free specific advice and assistance for young people.

Financial Counselling
Free professional assistance to anyone experiencing financial difficulties.

Child Support
Free specific advice and assistance for parents receiving payments from another parent for their child.

Community Legal Education
Free legal education to community groups and to members of the general public.