International Women’s Day | 8th March 2024
International Women’s Day (IWD) 2024
International Women’s Day (IWD) is a global day to raise the awareness about the issues that women still face today, such as gender inequality, violence, and abuse.
On this day we also celebrate! We celebrate and recognise the economic, political, and social achievements of women past and present.
More than 100 years ago, that first march was about ending harmful workplace conditions, equal rights, equal pay, and an end to exploitation. Sadly, those aims are still relevant today.
While important progress has been made, women face significant obstacles to achieving equal participation in the economy. Women’s economic empowerment is central to a gender equal world. When women are given equal opportunities to earn, learn and lead – entire communities thrive.
Two important messages being shared this year are:
‘Count Her In: Invest in Women. Accelerate Progress’. – UN Women
‘Inspire Inclusion’. – International Women’s Day website
IWD is a once-a-year chance to remind governments, businesses, and everyone else watching that women aren’t going anywhere and are prepared to take action to achieve equal human rights.
When we inspire others to understand and value women’s inclusion, we forge a better world. And when women themselves are inspired to be included, there’s a sense of belonging, relevance, and empowerment.
By working together to break down barriers and foster diversity, we can build a more equitable and inclusive society for generations to come.
So, on this day we ask you to;
Celebrate women’s achievement.
Raise awareness about discrimination
Take action to drive gender parity.
Illawarra Legal Centre (ILC) provides free legal advice and services, so if you or anyone you know is being impacted by gender discrimination, violence or abuse, contact us on 4276 1939.
Happy International Women’s Day!
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