International Volunteer Day | 5th December 2021

Today is International Volunteer Day! This day is held on 5th December every year across the globe.
Volunteering is an activity with immense economic, social and cultural value and on this day Illawarra Legal Centre would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our volunteers.
Over the last year, as the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we work, our volunteers have remained responsive to the needs of our community.
Every day, our volunteers dedicate time and effort to ensuring inclusion of those often left behind, assisting people to realise their legal rights and promoting social justice for all.
So, on this day (and every other day) we say thank you! Thank you to our Management Committee Members, Thank you to our Volunteer Solicitors, Thank you to our Volunteer Students and Thank you to all our Centre Volunteers. Your time is worth more than money!
Contact us if you’re keen to volunteer and to learn more about opportunities with ILC.
#IVD2021 #VolunteerNow